How to find us
The village of Fenouillet is located in the South of France in Languedoc Roussillon.
50 minutes from Perpignan and the sea, Spain or the city of Carcassonne.
The Camping des Randonneurs is accessible by road, train, from the airport of Rivesaltes.
- From Perpignan, motorway exit N°41 route de Foix.
- At the airport, take the D117, Rivesaltes. Follow: Case de Pène, Maury, St Paul de Fenouillet, Caudiès.
- At Caudiès, turn left towards Fenouillet..
- From Carcassonne, direction D118, Limoux, Quillan
- From Quillan, direction D117, Caudiès
- In Caudiès, turn right towards Fenouillet

Lieu dit Soula de Pal Ficat
66220 Fenouillet
(+33) 04 68 59 05 50
(+33) 06 76 86 48 38
66220 Fenouillet
(+33) 04 68 59 05 50
(+33) 06 76 86 48 38